About Alensleep

"Melatonin is a natural hormone that plays a role in sleep. Melatonin production and release in the brain is related to time of day, rising in the evening and falling in the morning. Light at night blocks its production. Melatonin dietary supplements have been studied for sleep disorders, such as jet lag, disruptions of the body’s internal “clock,” insomnia, and problems with sleep among people who work night shifts. It has also been studied for dementia symptoms"

What do we know about the usefulness of melatonin supplements?

Melatonin supplements may help some people with certain sleep disorders, including jet lag,
sleep problems related to shift work, and delayed sleep phase disorder
(one in which people go to bed but can’t fall asleep until hours later), and insomnia.

Melatonin For Sleep

Irregular sleep patterns are associated with a wide variety of health problems and premature aging. Melatonin is the hormone used by your body to help you fall asleep, and thus supplementation is seen as a way to get regular sleep. This is particularly useful for people who engage in shift work or are jet lagged.

Melatonin’s primary mechanism is by helping decrease the time it takes to fall asleep (as a hormone, that's its primary job).

Melatonin Uses

Many of us don’t get sleep during the night time owing to many factors. These factors include stress and strain, work pressure, intake of certain medicines, tension and sometimes the process of thinking deeply about certain things.

To enjoy a sound night’s sleep, many of us try different things like reading books, playing on the phone, taking sleeping pills, listening to songs and others. Most of the times, we don’t really know if we suffer from insomnia or just stress because of which sleep is not induced.

There is a certain mechanism that functions internally in our body that tells our body that it needs rest and it is night time. There is an internal clock in our body that runs all the time making us hungry, sleepy, feeling full, etc, because of which we feel hungry at certain times only and sleep at certain only. There are exceptional times when we feel hungry and sleepy at odd times which occur because of disturbed sleep and food cycles. There is a hormone in our body which runs this internal clock. This hormone is known as “melatonin.
